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21 September, 2011

Paper Stacks

Once again it's been a while since my last post. The computer problems turned into disaster so I was left without it for nearly 2 months (unbelievable that it takes so long to reinstall some programs. If I did know what was a problem I would've done it myself but...)
In mean time I have been creating and most of my creations were given away to friends and family members. I have been shopping lots of beautiful things from all around the world. I was away for a week attending the conference and having some relaxing time beside work. I also enrolled into two new on-line classes but they will wait for a while because I'm facing some home improvements. Seth Apter's call for collaboration on "Paper Stacks" came just in right moment: I'm moving my little studio into the shed for short period while the painters finish their part. In few months time I will repeat this proces again because my studio will have some very cool storage solutions and hopefully be more "user friendly".

So here is my entry for the collaboration.

Very soon I will post some of the projects I have finished and also update my progress on the book "Gathered".