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26 October, 2009

Play day

I had a "play day" with my arty friends Davinia and Carmen. While Davinia and I were learning new techniques form the "Creative Paint Workshop for Mixed-Media Artists: Experimental Techniques for Composition, Layering, Texture, Imagery, and Encaustic" by Ann Baldwin (see my Shelfary for further references) Carmen was our third hand. She fed us, made cups and cups of coffees, dried our canvases while we were enjoying our fags on the pation... Dear Carmen - what a value!!!
After 4 hours and a bit I finally finished my "master piece" and left Davinia to clean the mess. Here is my still untitled collage (would you have any appropriate title please let me know).

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Megan B said...

Looks awesome, actually I want to run my hand over it, so textured... YUM!!!
No ideas for names though, sorry!

Jen Crossley said...

THis looks awesome Svetlana,sounds like you had fun

Caramella said...

You are too kind. Thanks again for the yummy lunch that you brought with you.
I love how the collage turned out. Why not title it:
"Monday's Impression"(it doesn't have to make any sense...all artist's label their pieces in a way that I could never relate to).
Ha, now I like to see any of you trying to top that sophisticated suggestion.

Davinia said...

As always it's looks better in real life. Mine's still sitting on the kitchen table ready for another layer of paint, and the stupid crackle stuff didn't crackle. Never have any luck with that stuff. Did you download Picasa? We need play dates more often.