Many have asked me if I'm still on the creative side and the answer is: YES!!! I have finished a new altered book and another one is just about to have the finishing touches. I know it is long time since my last post but I am trying to avoid another pressure in my life.
Well I have been doing bits and pieces and here is "Faithful" - an altered book made for an 80 years old New Zealand lady I never met but her daughter, a friend of mine, asked me if I could make a book for her mother like one I made for mine. For a short period of time I had ahead of me and limited supply and no time to browse trough the secondhand shops I'm pretty happy with the result. The only thing I regret is that I didn't have time to take as many photos as I would've liked especially the completed book after bookbinding it together. There are so many little books (albums) inside this book, all with different bookbinding patterns, and I hope I will get photos taken for me and have evidence of this piece.